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- SELF REPORT 5 - Summary And Suggestion

5. Summary And Suggestion 5.1 Purpose of practicum  For us, as the practice teacher, the purpose of the practicum is to improve our skills in speaking, writing, reading and listening.Another purpose of this practicum is to improve our knowledge and gain new experience. 5.2 Procedures of Practicum The procedure of the practicum is we have to observe and assist in the first week and the second week before we start our practicum. We also need to submit our lesson plan to our coordinating teacher and revise it if necessary. Our coordinator teacher also checks our topic what are we going to discuss before we start teaching. 5.3 Outcome of practicum By doing this practicum/ practice teaching, at the end of the program, I can say that my skill improves in speaking especially. We have to communicate with local people, students, the staff at NEUST Laboratory High School using English. We also have written the blog to increase our skills in writing. The most impo...

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